Create a Sim, Female

Sentates & Rustys The Timeless Collection, 4to3 Conversions, by Jooj

Curbs 50s Hair for females, by Colores Urbanos

Curbs 50s Hair, by Colores Urbanos

Curbs 50s Hairstyle 01, by Colores Urbanos

 Curbs 50s Hairstyle 01v2, by Colores Urbanos

Curbs 50s Hairstyle 02, by Colores Urbanos

Curbs 50s Hairstyle 03, by Colores Urbanos

Curbs 50s Hairstyle 04, by Colores Urbanos

 Curbs 50s Hairstyle 05, by Colores Urbanos

Curbs 50s Hairstyle 06, by Colores Urbanos

Curbs Vintage Hairstyle 07, by Colores Urbanos

Curbs Vintage Hairstyle 08, by Colores Urbanos

Curbs Vintage Hairstyle 08 Set, by Colores Urbanos

 My everyday Pinup Hairstyle, by Colores Urbanos
Colores Urbanos Hair 73 with Bandana 4t3 Conversion, by simsoficeandfire
Colores Urbanos Marilyn Monroe and Grace Kelly Hair 4t3 Conversion, by simsoficeandfire
Colores Urbanos Hair 91, 112 & 118, converted by Rollo-Rolls
Colores Urbanos Hair 41, converted by Maybe Baby

Colores Urbanos Hair 45, converted by Maybe Baby

Colores Urbanos Hair 60, 90 & 111, converted by Maybe Baby

Colores Urbanos Hair 31, 55 & 124, converted by Maybe Baby

Colores Urbanos Hair 138, 186 & 213, converted by Maybe Baby

Colores Urbanos Hair 63, converted by Maybe Baby

Colores Urbanos Jackie Hair 18, converted by Maybe Baby

Colores Urbanos Hair 91, 112 & 118, converted by Maybe Baby

Colores Urbanos Hair 11 & 03, converted by Maybe Baby

Nightcrawler Anto Nerea Hair, converted by Maybe Baby

Rockabilly Hair, by Savio
Rock & Bawl Hair retexture, by Leechjar at gardenofshadows


Newsea Hair Hedonism Retexture by Sarah

Tango Hair Retexture, by Anulaa89
Peggy 03844 converted by Annihilation
Retro France - Hairstyle, by Edakraft
Helga Scarf, by Edakraft

No more Cookies for you, Kate Perry Sweet Treats Hair Edit, by Simsxolove

Swan Hairstyle J115, by Newsea (Donation)


Marilyn Hair, by Kiolometro

Casual Hair (converted from S2 open for Business), by Kiolometro
Amy Hair, by Kiolometro

Saligary Long Hair, by Kiolometro

Elvira Hair, by Kiolometro

Marilyn Hair, by Mamyrocker

Marilyn Hair Roaring Heights wavy Bob, longer, compatible for Basegame, by Mamyrocker

Harmon Hair, Leah Lilith S3 conversion by Plumdrops

Dreamcatcher Hair, by LeahLillith on tsr
Butterfly Bangs Hair (retextured), by Cloudwalker

Hair 109, made by Anto at Coolsims

Hair 108, made by Anto at Coolsims

Hairrollers, by Loubellesims

Pin me Up! 3 Retro Outfits, by Vampire Aninyosaloh

High waisted Pants, by Colores Urbanos

High waisted Pants 02, by Colores Urbanos

High waisted Pants 03 - Valid for Maternity, by Colores Urbanos

High waisted Pants 04 - Valid for Maternity, by Colores Urbanos

High waisted Pants 05, by Colores Urbanos

 Invierno Retro Set 01, by Colores Urbanos
Rockabilly Dress Set 01, by Colores Urbanos
4 Rockabilly Dresses Set 02, by Colores Urbanos
Rockabilly Dress 08, by Colores Urbanos
Rockabilly Dress 11, by Colores Urbanos

 Rockabilly Dress 12, by Colores Urbanos

Rockabilly Dress 13 - Valid for Maternity, by Colores Urbanos

 Rockabilly Dress 14, by Colores Urbanos


  Rockabilly Dress 15, by Colores Urbanos

 Rockabilly Dress 16, by Colores Urbanos

Rockabilly Dress 17, by Colores Urbanos

 My Rockabilly Teen Set, by Colores Urbanos


 Set Pin Up Teen 01, by Colores Urbanos

4 Pin Up Dresses Set 01, by Colores Urbanos

4 Pin Up Dresses Set 02, by Colores Urbanos

 Pin Up Dresses Set 03, by Colores Urbanos

 Pin Up Dress 10, by Colores Urbanos

Vintage Office Outfit, by Colores Urbanos

Vintage Office Set, by Colores Urbanos

Smart and Dressy, by Wimmie

Sporty Dress, by Wimmie

3 Vintage Dresses, by Nygirl

Gilded Ghosts Earth Angel Dress, 4 to 3 conversion by JooJconverts

 Retro Style, by Cleotopia

Joliebeans Strawberry Dress, converted by Piper 

EMI Tops, Blouse, Shorts and Skirt, converted by Simdreams

Petticoat, by Simlicious

Princess flared Dress, by Lore at Lorandiasims

Dress "Gold Daisy", by Sirena

Wintercoat, by Zuckerhase

Barbie Roberts 1959 Collection, by daluved at Leefish

Grease Collection 1, by Mamyrocker

Grease Collection 2, by Mamyrocker

Favourite Tee, by Vågen

Curbs Sleepwear, by Colores Urbanos

Bettie Page Jungle Suit, by Mamyrocker

Set Retro Swimwear, valid for maternity, by Colores Urbanos

Retro Bikini, by Winnie


I Invented Retro (from Teen to Elder), by Daluvedi

Vintage Sport Uniforms, converted for teens by Kent Converts




Vintage Bag 01, for Teens, Adults and Elder, by Colores Urbanos

Vintage Bag 02, for Teens, Adults and Elder, by Colores Urbanos

Vintage Bag 03, for Teens, Adults and Elder, by Colores Urbanos

Vintage Bag 04, for Teens, Adults and Elder, by Colores Urbanos

  Vintage Bag 05, for Teens, Adults and Elder, by Colores Urbanos

Vintage Bag 06, for Teens, Adults and Elder, by Colores Urbanos

Sailor Set (fm/m), by ToTKR

Sailor Hat (fm/m), by san3sawayaka3kumi

Hermes Birkin Bag, by NataliS

Pillbox Hat, by Cloudwalker
Download (with net)
Download (without net)
Hat Tiffany Style, by Tankuz

50s Hat, by Tankuz

"There are never too many Pearls" Hat and Pearls, by Ladesire

Elegant Hats Set, by Ladesire

Retro Hats Set, by Ladesire

Happylifesims Cloche, converted by Deniisu

Curbs Cat Eye Glasses 01, by Colores Urbanos

 Curbs Cat Eye Glasses 02, by Colores Urbanos

Cat Glasses converted from TS4, by aroundthesims

Cat Sunglasses converted from TS4, by aroundthesims

Clubmaster Glasses converted from TS4, by aroundthesims

Retro Glasses round, converted from TS4, by aroundthesims

 Retrosunglasses round, converted from TS4, by aroundthesims


Oldschool Tattoos, by Everlastinggarden
