Create a Sim, Male

 Mock Mods Glasses, by Tamo

 Vintage Horn-rimmed Glasses, by Cloudwalker

Retro Glasses for Men, by Theninthwave

 Retrosunglasses, converted from TS4, by aroundthesims

 Retrosunglasses oval, converted from TS4, by aroundthesims

5 Overcoats for men, retextures by nectar cellar

Grease Collection 1, by Mamyrocker

 Grease Collection 2, by Mamyrocker

Rebel Just Because, by EA (Store)

5th Avenue Fashion, by EA (Store)

Trenchcoat, by Ellemieke

Sailor Set (m/fm), by ToTKR

Sailorhat (m/fm), by san3sawyaka3kumi

Piping Line Pajama Shirt 4 to 3 conversion, by purplepxls

Dude Set, by Bukovka

Fashionable Fitness Set, by EA (Store)

Vintage Sport Uniforms, converted for teens by Kent Converts

Teddy, by EA Sims 3 Store

 David Hair Lapiz 10, retextured by Bring Me Victory

Hair 104, by Anto at Coolsims

 Augustin Elvis Hair, by DarkoSims


Into The Future Hair (Basegame compatible), by Akuiyumi

Messy Combed-Back Hair (Teen to Elder), by EsmeraldaF

Slick Hair, by Ulker

  Ade-Marco Hair, by Ade-Darma

Ade-Marco Hair retextured, by Beaverhausen

Boss Hair YU009, by Newsea

  Male Pompadour, by Buckleysims

   Augustin Elvis Hair retextured, by Descargassims

 Darko Hair, by Anto

 Hair 07, by Nightcrawler

 Nightcrawler Hair retextured, by Beaverhausen

 Newsea Robin Hair retextured, by Swirlgoodies

Andy Hair Conversion (all ages), by Rissa at Simscavemustbedestroyed


Sideburns of Love, by Serpentrogue

 Sideburn 3, by Serpentrogue

Clean Stubble with Sideburn, by Serpentrogue

Facial Hairstyle 023, by Serpentrogue

Buff Chops in 4 Styles, by Simmiller

Oldschool Tattoos, by Everlastinggarden

Vintage Colt Python Object & Accessory, by Cloudwalker

Baseball Bat Accessory, by Cloudwalker
